Modeling & simulation

A surprisingly simple model can explain how brain cells organize and connect

Scientists from UChicago, Harvard, and Yale propose model that could apply across a wide range of organisms

Simulations show how HIV sneaks into the nucleus of the cell

UChicago chemists assemble massive model of the nuclear pore complex and HIV-1 virus capsid

New technique could make modeling molecules much easier

UChicago research could help pave way for new discoveries in biology, sustainability

Study reveals long-debated makeup of the molecules that help organize your cells

Structure of polyelectrolyte complexes could lead to better drugs and technology, say UChicago scientists

Tiny ion is crucial for HIV replication, say UChicago chemists

Simulation explains how virus forms capsid, may suggest new avenues for treatments

Many planets could have atmospheres rich in helium, study finds

Study suggests answer to “radius valley” mystery in the field of exoplanet studies