
Mapping the digital divide: Data reveals internet inequities across the country

To address disparities, UChicago Data Science Institute launches portal to guide research, policy and community action

Data scientists aim to detect internet censorship in real time

AI could help flag totalitarian governments trying to cut off information flow

The Truth About Faster Internet: It’s Not Worth It

<p>Prof.&nbsp;Nick Feamster discusses&nbsp;home internet speed and streaming video performance</p>

Your Internet Privacy Should Be Up For Sale

Prof. Omri Ben-Shahar discusses FCC efforts to regulate data collection by Internet companies

Shooting a MOOC

Prof. Randal Picker discusses filming his first Massive Open Online Course on the Internet, technology and law

Understanding the MOOC moment

In blog, Prof. Randal Picker discusses the rise of Massive Open Online Courses as he prepares to launch course on Internet, technology and law