Behavioral science
New UChicago course applies scientific reasoning to political decision making
New UChicago course applies scientific reasoning to political decision making
May 20, 2024
How does the mind work? Visit this new interactive space to learn more
How does the mind work? Visit this new interactive space to learn more
Jul 22, 2021
At work, your voice is underrated. So call me, maybe.
At work, your voice is underrated. So call me, maybe.
Jan 4, 2021
Why Talking to Strangers Will Make You Happier with Nicholas Epley
Oct 7, 2019
How uncertain rewards spur repeat purchases
How uncertain rewards spur repeat purchases
Sep 14, 2018
People underestimate value of sending letters of appreciation
People underestimate value of sending letters of appreciation
Sep 5, 2018
Are you prone to feeling guilty? Then you're probably more trustworthy, study shows
Are you prone to feeling guilty? Then you're probably more trustworthy, study shows
Jul 19, 2018
Science Daily
Crime Lab finds behavioral nudges improve court attendance in NYC
Crime Lab finds behavioral nudges improve court attendance in NYC
Jan 26, 2018
Living in poverty puts demands on attention that impair decision-making
Living in poverty puts demands on attention that impair decision-making
Sep 5, 2017
Why consumers make bad financial decisions, and how to help
Why consumers make bad financial decisions, and how to help
Aug 25, 2017