Waverly Deutsch

Waverly Deutsch

Waverly Deutsch teaches the Global New Venture Challenge class for Chicago Booth’s Executive MBA program. She has been a full-time coach for the annual New Venture Challenge, the #1 rated academic entrepreneurship accelerator, since 2002. She also created Building the New Venture, a unique course on entrepreneurial execution, and taught it for 15 years.

In her role as Academic Director of University-wide Entrepreneurship Content, Deutsch works with the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is responsible for cataloguing and coordinating how entrepreneurship is taught across campus. She ensures that both for-credit classes on entrepreneurship and extra-curricular content like conferences, workshops, and online materials meet the needs of all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Chicago with an interest in entrepreneurship.

Prof. Deutsch’s research focuses on the execution issues entrepreneurs face as they grow their businesses, especially marketing, sales, operations and team building and is featured quarterly in the Chicago Booth Review.

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