Nicholas Epley

Nicholas Epley specializes in social cognition—how people make inferences about other people's thoughts, intentions and capabilities. His experimental research focuses on exactly how people make such inferences, and how accurately they do so. Much of that research delves into the common mistakes that people make in attempting to read others' minds, and the consequences of such mistakes. This includes the tendency for people to use their own perceptions and mental states as a guide to interpreting the behavior of others, creating strong egocentric or self-centered biases in social cognitions.

His research has appeared in more than two dozen empirical journals, been featured by The New York TimesWall Street Journal, CNN, Wired and National Public Radio. Epley was named a "professor to watch" by the Financial Times, one of the "World's Best 40 under 40 Business School Professors" by Poets and Quants, and one of the 100 Most Influential in Business Ethics in 2015 by Ethisphere. He is the author of Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel and Want.

Epley Stories

How does the mind work? Visit this new interactive space to learn more

Chicago Booth launches Mindworks center to expand behavioral science research beyond the ivory tower

How to connect with others in the age of social distancing

Chicago Booth scholar: During coronavirus pandemic, being social will make you feel better