Leonard C Soffer

Leonard C. Soffer

Leonard C. Soffer studies corporate valuation, capital markets, and accounting information. His publications include Financial Reporting and Analysis (8th edition) with Lawrence Revsine, Daniel Collins, Bruce Johnson, and Fred Mittelstaedt; Financial Statement Analysis: A Valuation Approach with Robin Soffer; “SFAS No. 123 Disclosures and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation” in Accounting Horizons; “Earnings Preannouncement Strategies” with Ramu Thiagarajan and Beverly Walther in Review of Accounting Studies; “Post-Earnings Announcement Drift and the Dissemination of Predictable Information” with Thomas Lys in Contemporary Accounting Research; and “The Relative Informativeness of Analysts’ Stock Recommendations and Earnings Forecast Revisions” with Jennifer Francis in Journal of Accounting Research

As a consultant, he worked with numerous companies, including the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, where he developed an interactive computer-based model for pricing industrial chocolate contracts. He was a manager of corporate development at USG Corporation; a senior consultant for corporate development at Northwest Industries Inc.; a liaison between accounting and information systems groups for the McDonald’s Corporation; and a staff auditor at Touche Ross & Co.

He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, the American Accounting Association, and the Illinois CPA Society, where he has chaired the accounting principles committee.


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