John Mearsheimer

John J. Mearsheimer

John J. Mearsheimer is one of the nation’s leading experts on international relations and has written extensively about military issues and international politics.

He has published five books: Conventional Deterrence (1983), which won the Edgar S. Furniss, Jr., Book Award; Liddell Hart and the Weight of History (1988); The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2014), which won the Georgetown University Joseph Lepgold Book Prize; The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy with Stephen Walt (2007) and Why Leaders Lie: The Truth about Lying in International Politics (2011).

He has also written many articles that have appeared in academic journals like International Security, and popular magazines like the London Review of Books. Furthermore, he has written a number of op-ed pieces for the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times dealing with topics like Ukraine, Bosnia, nuclear proliferation, U.S. policy toward India, the failure of Arab-Israeli peace efforts and the invasion of Iraq.

Mearsheimer Stories

These American scholars say the real threat to the U.S. is Russophobia

<p>Prof. John Mearsheimer criticizes U.S. hostility towards Russia</p>

Vice News

Trump: Putin’s Election Meddling Denial ‘Strong and Powerful’

<p>Video: Prof. John Mearsheimer analyzes President Donald Trump’s meeting with President Vladimir Putin</p>


How Trump’s ‘bullying’ approach might affect NATO

<p>Video: Prof. John Mearsheimer&nbsp;analyzes President Trump’s behavior and its potential effects on NATO</p>

PBS NewsHour

At Davos, Trump Became a Leader the Global 1% Can Learn to Love

Prof. John Mearsheimer discusses difference between Trump's rhetoric and actions

New Republic

Trump to Sign Sanctions Against Russia ‘Soon’

Prof. John Mearsheimer discusses current U.S.-Russia relations

Could new economic pressure change North Korea’s ambitions?

Prof. John Mearsheimer explains issues with economic sanctions for North Korea

PBS NewsHour

Trump Administration in Foreign Territory as Global Crises Mount

Prof. John Mearsheimer discusses foreign policy issues facing Trump administration

Truth, Politics and Power: Strongman

Profs. Mark Bradley and John Mearsheimer discuss geopolitics and human rights

New York Public Radio

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