John J. Clegg

John J. Clegg

John J. Clegg is an historical sociologist working on the roots of mass incarceration in the United States and the comparative political economy of slavery and emancipation in the Atlantic world.

His dissertation, “From Slavery to Jim Crow: Essays on the Political Economy of Racial Capitalism” (NYU 2018) traced the evolution of forms of labor control and racialization across America's pivotal decade of Civil War and emancipation.

He is currently working on a comprehensive crowd-sourced database of African American Civil War soldiers as well as a large scale research project on the political economy of mass incarceration.

His work has appeared in The Cambridge Journal of Economics, Social Science History, Critical Historical StudiesGlobal Labor JournalThe Brooklyn Rail, The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory and The Best American Non-required Reading 2016.

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