George Wu

George Wu

George Wu studies the psychology of decision-making, goal setting and motivation, and cognitive biases in bargaining and negotiation. He received research funding as part of a three-year, $3.6 million project entitled “Enhancing the Human Experience through Behavioral Science: New Paths to Purpose” to advance the behavioral science of purpose. The project explores how people adopt, pursue, and fulfill their intentions to accomplish something that is meaningful to the self, and often is of consequence to the world beyond the self.

Prof. Wu’s research has been published widely in a number of journals in economics, management science, and psychology, including Cognitive Psychology, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Management Science, Psychological Science, and the Quarterly Journal of Economics.

He is a former department editor of Management Science and is on numerous editorial boards, including for Decision Analysis, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and Theory and Decision.

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Through IMPACT, Chicago Booth helps trains a new generation of civic, corporate leaders

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