
531st Convocation (full ceremony)

The University of Chicago held its 531st Convocation on June 9, 2018 on the Main Quadrangles.

Prof. Eugene Parker on discovering the solar wind

Prof. Eugene Parker discusses his scientific research on the sun, including his landmark discovery of the solar wind.

2018 Quantrell and Graduate Teaching Awards

Faculty members who won Quantrell and Faculty Teaching Awards this year share their experiences teaching and mentoring students.

Hydraulic Fracturing and Infant Health

Prof. Michael Greenstone study finds infants born within about 2 miles of a fracking site are more likely to be classified as low birth weight.

Array of Things Introductory Video

Learn about how the Array of Things works

UChicago scientist congratulates LIGO Nobel Prize winners

Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barish won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics for their roles in the landmark detection of gravitational waves—ripples in the fabric of spacetime. Assoc. Prof. Daniel Holz leads a UChicago team that is part of the international LIGO collaboration, which announced the discovery in 2016.

Transforming Cancer Research: The Genomic Data Commons

The University of Chicago and the National Cancer Institute are collaborating to establish the Genomic Data Commons (GDC). The GDC is a first-of-its-kind facility that will be the most comprehensive system to store data from NCI-funded research programs in a single repository, and harmonize them so they’re compatible.

Carillon tolls during eclipse from UChicago's Rockefeller Chapel

Rockefeller Memorial Chapel carillonneur Joey Brink plays 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' during the Aug. 21 eclipse on the University of Chicago campus.