
Delving into complex evolution of “The Good Book”

Review lauds Court Theatre’s world premiere production of ‘The Good Book’

Too early yet to tell if Utah’s STEM campaign and cash are working

Article highlighting federal efforts to encourage careers in STEM features fourth-year and Churchill scholar Annie Marsden

Salt Lake Tribune

How David Geffen’s $100 Million Lincoln Center Gift Came Together

Carroll Joynes, fellow at Cultural Policy Center, says it’s risky to give Lincoln Center naming rights for 20 percent of fundraising amount

Religious Freedom: where to draw the line

Audio: Prof. William Schweiker discusses the extent of freedom of religion in U.S., in light of Indiana’s religious freedom bill

US, China heading toward face-off, says Mearsheimer

In Q&A, Prof. John Mearsheimer argues that growing Chinese power will spark increased conflict with the U.S. and Japan

Nikkei Asian Review

Backing Away From Zero Tolerance

Op-ed highlights report by Consortium on Chicago School Research, which finds CPS suspension policy fails to help black students