Early childhood development

UChicago conducts cutting edge research exploring the development of cognition, action, and perception in the first few years of life through the Center for Early Childhood Research, Chapin Hall, and the Pritzker Consortium on Early Childhood Development.


Amanda Woodward

Title: Dean of the Division of the Social Sciences and the William S. Gray Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology

Expertise: Early childhood development, Early learning

Departmental website: https://socialsciences.uchicago.edu/faculty-leadership/amanda-woodward

James Heckman

Title: Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and in the College and the Harris School of Public Policy

Expertise: Economics, Education, Early childhood development

Departmental website: https://economics.uchicago.edu/directory/james-j-heckman

Ariel Kalil

Title: Professor at Harris School of Public Policy

Expertise: Early childhood development, Employment, Parenting, Policy

Departmental website: https://harris.uchicago.edu/directory/ariel-kalil