Garrett P. Kiely, a leader in academic publishing who has helped the nation’s largest academic press continue to build on its success, has been appointed to a second five-year term as director of the University of Chicago Press, beginning Sept. 1.

The University of Chicago Press is the publisher of numerous award-winning books and journals aimed at both scholarly and general interest audiences. It is also the largest distributor of academic publications through its Chicago Distribution Center.


“The Press has thrived under Garrett’s leadership, successfully negotiating the stresses of difficult economic times,” said Provost Thomas Rosenbuam. “Throughout, the Press has actively engaged with all the major issues facing publishing today, witnessed a steady growth in the number of original titles published and emerged as a leader in digital publishing.”

Kiely said, “I am honored to be reappointed as director of the University of Chicago Press. From the moment I stepped on campus five years ago, I have been embraced by the University community, and I appreciate all that support and encouragement. We at the Press strive to develop our books, journals and distribution operations in way that reflects the highest ideals of the University. I look forward to working with everyone here to continue this progress.”

In addition to publishing 250 new books and over 50 journals per year, the Press has recently released two publications that demonstrate the innovative manner with which it continues the University’s tradition of disseminating scholarship of the highest quality while also exploring new publication platforms and technologies.

The Press recently published the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, in simultaneous print and electronic versions an edition hailed as the best in the Manual’s 105-year history. Venturing further into digital publishing, the Press, in collaboration with the Field Museum, released Gems and Jewels for iPad, an adaptation of its book Gems and Gemstones: Timeless Natural Beauty of the Mineral World, written by Lance Grande.

A graduate of Georgetown University, Kiely joined the University of Chicago Press in 2007 after more than 20 years at Palgrave Macmillan USA, a division of St. Martin’s Press. At Palgrave, Kiely served as president, vice president of the Scholarly and Reference Division, and both sales and marketing director. He also served as the U.S. publisher of the Encarta World English Dictionary and as president of Grove’s Dictionary.