Scientists at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the University of Chicago have been awarded $216,000 for new and continued joint research projects through the University's Strategic Collaborative Initiatives (SCI) program for Fermilab. The research projects cover a broad range of studies and include, in one case, collaboration with an Argonne scientist.

Proposals receiving SCI grants and their principal investigators are:

  • "Absolute Measurement of Air FluorescenceYield for Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays," Paolo Privitera, Professor in Astronomy& Astrophysics and the College, Enrico Fermi Institute, Kavli Institutefor Cosmological Physics; Carlos F. Hojvat , Scientist II, ParticlePhysics Division, Fermilab
  • "Confronting Supernova Explosion Models withObservations: Developing SNe Ia as Precision Tools to Probe Dark Energy,"Donald Lamb, Louis Block Professor in Astronomy & Astrophysics and theCollege, Enrico Fermi Institute, Director, Center for AstrophysicalThermonuclear Flashes; John Marriner, Scientist III, ExperimentalAstrophysics Group, Fermilab; and Stephen Kuhlmann, Physicist, High EnergyPhysics Division, Argonne
  • "Readout Study for a Holographic Noise Experiment,"Stephan Meyer, Professor in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Physics and theCollege; Deputy Director, Enrico Fermi Institute; Associate Director,Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics; Aaron Chou, Wilson Fellow,Particle Physics Division/Experimental Physics Projects/Astrophysics,Fermilab

The proposals were selected on the basis of the importance of the work, whether the collaboration creates a more powerful or convincing research program than could be achieved by working independently, and potential to achieve an ongoing collaboration. The first project is a continuation; the others are new projects.

The University-Fermilab SCI program was developed by the University as part of the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC laboratory management contract. The University also developed a similar program for Argonne. SCIs provide additional opportunities for collaboration among University researchers and scientists at Argonne and Fermilab to create more powerful research programs in areas that support the scientific priorities of both laboratories. The University has committed $1.5 million per year, and $7.5 million, collectively, over a five-year period toward the establishment of SCIs that include collaborative research projects, strategic joint appointments and joint institutes.